63. Is Your Company Ready to Grow?

What’s Inside

1. Where the Rubber Meets the Road

I often hear, "We want to GROW!"

The declaration generates excitement, akin to magical gift giveaways.

"You get a car! And you get a car! Everybody gets a car!"

It's a start, but the reality is 'grow' is not a strategy.

And most companies don't want to grow so rapidly they can't keep up with quality or demand.

Processes and systems break down, team communication dwindles, and client delivery degrades.

Creating an actual strategy is just the first step.

Implementation is where the rubber meets the road.

Embed your strategy into operations via the Growth Triad.

Then gather the data to learn and adjust over time.

2. The Growth Triad - People, Process, & Technology

People: Focus first on the "who" and then "what." Do you have the right people on the bus? Ensure you have the capacity & team to grow.

This means:

  • Values are woven into your hiring process

  • Roles & responsibilities are defined for clear accountability

  • Incentives are aligned to drive behavior

  • Upskilling and reskilling are available, as needed

Process: Develop your company's strategic annual cadence. Start and end these meetings on time.

This means:

  • Weekly meetings - same day, time, agenda - to clearly communicate & drive decisions.

  • Quarterly business reviews gauge progress & set a new 90-day plan.

  • Annual retreats review the year and set goals for the year ahead.

Technology: Align your systems, infrastructure, and tools to deliver. Everything from payment systems to sales automation to platforms that connect your team.

This means:

  • What worked in the first few years may not work moving forward.

  • Staying on top of the latest tech developments

  • A willingness to change & invest, where needed.

The good news is that we don't have to do all of these at once.

Just pick one and start today.

And if you're at square one - check out ​Jumpstart Your Strategy​ and…

Schedule a call today for help with your company's growth.

3. Ways to Work Together This Year

Here are some ways we can partner.

  • Leadership Offsite: One or two-day offsite to define your growth strategy & priorities, clarify roles & responsibilities, and improve your team's communication.​ (Learn More)

  • Strategy Power Hour: 60-min virtual session to tackle a specific challenge your business is facing. (Schedule)

  • 1:1 Private Strategic Advisor: Develop long-term vision & near-term priorities and goals. Meet 2x/month during 1-hr virtual sessions. (Learn More)

  • VIP Strategy Session for Growth: Virtual half-day session to leverage your expertise for growth. Develop North Star with your go-to market plan. (Learn More)

As always, thanks for reading.

To your strategic success,


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64. 2024 Numbers...


62. Data-Driven Strategy