5. The Dynamic Duo
In 2007, I deployed to Balad Air Base, Iraq during the surge. While there, I served as an Operations Officer leading 400 Airmen and was responsible for ensuring a squadron of multimillion-dollar fighter aircraft were mission capable.
As the Ops Officer, I supported the Squadron Commander who held ultimate authority. It took the leadership of both, along with the entire team, to be successful.
In business, this dynamic duo is critical as well. Think of Walt and Roy Disney. Microsoft’s Bill Gates and Paul Allen. Simon Sinek calls it the “Why-type” and the “How-type”. EOS calls it the Visionary and Integrator. The big picture versus the details.
It helps if roles align with individual strengths – one loves big ideas and the other a good spreadsheet. But roles aren’t immutable. What’s important are clear lines of accountability to ensure smooth operations.
And this applies to both large and small businesses – particularly as they look to scale and grow.
So, what does it look like for you?
Who is looking out and who is looking in for your business?
Are roles and accountability clear?
What is one thing you can do today to drive more clarity?
I help executives reclaim valuable time to focus on what matters most. This means leaders work ON the business instead of IN the business. Whether it's a 10-year vision, 3–5 year strategy, or 90-day action plan - we partner to achieve your goals.
If you want to break through to the next level in your business, drop me a message, and we'll arrange a 15-min call to see if I can help.
Be well.