25. The Strategy Made Simple Method


  • If we can’t explain what we offer – what we do – to a kindergartener, then it’s just too complicated.

  • Keep it simple. Have fun.

  • Enter the Strategy Made Simple Method...

2. Career Day

I recently spent the morning at our local elementary school career fair. Signing up, my goal was to support my kids & their school. Shortly after I realized…

“How in the world am I going to explain strategy to a group of 6-year-olds?”

I wanted to make it real but didn’t have a lab coat or uniform to help them visualize this career.

And then I had it…

We were going to launch, scale, and grow a lemonade stand.

The kids were thrilled to start their own business. We discussed the basics -

  • Why start the lemonade stand in the first place?

  • Who’s in?

  • What will we offer?

  • What ingredients do we need and how will we make it?

  • How will we price it?

  • When will we start?

  • Where will we deliver?

  • What WON’T we do? (Because strategy is about choices)

To maintain order, I brought a bag of lemons. Two rules:

1) You could only talk if you held a lemon in your hand.

2) Be gentle - no pegging people with lemons.

We talked about how they wanted to price the lemonade, the cost of ingredients, where we would source our lemons, and even buying a juicer to make production easier.

Ideas came quickly…

✅ “Let’s buy a new ice cream machine for the cafeteria!”

✅ “Ingredients cost $1/cup so let’s price it at $2!”

✅“I’ll make a flyer to spread the word!”

The group decided to make signs to market their lemonade stand. We talked about potential competitors and defining what sets their lemonade apart.

Oh, and we ended with a round of lemonade for all…

3. Lessons from The Lemonade Stand

We make strategy harder than it has to be. At its core, strategy means:

✅ Uniting what we love (and are good at) with what the world needs.

✅ Making a plan to do it.

✅ Following through.

It was such a fun and joyous morning. And a great reminder that -

1) If we can’t explain what we offer – what we do – to a kindergartener, then it’s just too complicated.

2) Keep it simple.

3) Have fun.

Enter the Strategy Made Simple Method...

We will explore each of the 5 elements through the lens of the lemonade stand in the coming weeks.

4. Application

So, what does it look like for your business?

  • Can you explain what you offer – what you do – to a kindergartener?

  • How can you simplify?

  • What is one thing you can do today to drive greater clarity?

I help small technology and professional services businesses scale and grow.

If you want to break through to the next level in your business, drop me a message, and we'll arrange a 15-min call to see if I can help.

To your success,


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26. Why You Need a NorthStar – Part 1


24. How to Get Your Board on Board