29. Why You Need a Roadmap


  • Your Roadmap brings your Strategy to life.

  • Over 50% of businesses fail within the first five years.

  • If you don’t know where you’re going any road will take you there.

2. The Strategy Made Simple Method

This article is the 5th in a series exploring the Strategy Made Simple Method through the lens of a lemonade stand.

If you haven’t, check out the ​​intro article​​, ​North Star Part 1​ and ​Part 2​, and ​Strategy​.

Today, we will develop the lemonade stand’s Roadmap.

©Maly Strategies 2023

Back to Basics

Your Strategy reaffirms your firm foundation - Vision, Mission, and Values.

And the problem you solve.

Carry both through everything you create moving forward.

The problem our lemonade stand solves?

Quenching thirst, building community.

The lemonade stand’s firm foundation?

The Lemonade Stand’s Firm Foundation


Your Roadmap uses your Strategy to create a one-year and ninety-day plan.

Less is more, as you limit goals and actions to focus on what you, and your team, can achieve during these timeframes.

You then revisit the roadmap every 90 days to adjust for the quarter ahead and review it annually to make the next one-year plan.

It is important to show anticipated costs, not to be exact, but to align them with the anticipated investment(s) required for the upcoming quarter.

It is also important that someone owns each action.

If everyone owns something, then no one owns it.

Pulling It All Together

Our lemonade stand’s Roadmap?

The Lemonade Stand’s Roadmap

3. Why You Need a Dashboard

My goal is to make strategy simple. I hope this was helpful and will see you next week for the lemonade stand’s Dashboard.

4. Application

So, what does it look like for your business?

  • What do you need to do this year?

  • The next 90 days?

  • What is one thing you can do today to drive greater clarity?

I help small technology and professional services businesses scale and grow.

If you want to break through to the next level in your business, drop me a message, and we'll arrange a 15-min call to see if I can help.

To your success,


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30. Why You Need a Dashboard


28. Why You Need a Strategy